After the last few years of lockdowns and other Covid restrictions, summer holidays and even holidays abroad are on the horizon for many of us. Are you ready to bare the flesh and hit the beach? If not, don’t worry, there is still time.
Working from home, no gyms and other restrictions has resulted in reduced activity levels for many people and therefore some people are carrying a few extra pounds. Now is the time to return to a healthy lifestyle. Start to monitor what you eat, cut out those snacks and treats, think about portion size. The nights are also slowly getting lighter, increase your step count by going out for a walk. If you participated in sports previously, now is the time to return and generally increase your activity levels. It doesn’t have to be huge changes, little tweaks here and there can make a significant difference.
Did I also mention the gym’s open and we are operating our full opening hours, and no masks are required! There’s always one of us in the gym if you need any help and support with nutrition or exercise.
What are you waiting for? With a bit of hard work and commitment, you’ll be amazed at what can be achieved in 12 weeks.